The Regulation on Security Measures for computerized documents containing individual information lays out, when there are medium or significant level records:

1. The data frameworks and information handling offices will be dependent upon an inner or outer review, which checks consistence with this Regulation, with the current techniques and guidelines in regards to information security, to some extent like clockwork.

2. The review report should run on the sufficiency of the actions and controls to this Regulation, distinguish their lacks and propose the fundamental restorative or corresponding measures. It should likewise incorporate the information, realities and perceptions on which the assessments came to and proposed proposals are based.

3. The review reports will be broke down by the capable security director, who will present the ends to the individual accountable for the record so the proper restorative measures can be taken, and they will be made accessible to the Data Protection Agency."

Eases in directing the review cyber security

The review expected by the Regulation is comprised of the accompanying stages:

• Conventional information on the organization, its business climate, the data frameworks accessible to it, its regulatory design, its relations with true bodies, affiliations, establishments and different organizations.

• Planning of a work program specifying the exercises or errands to be examined, considering, from one perspective, the survey necessities forced by the Regulation according to the review, and on the other, the degree business and venture frameworks.

• Doing the field work, that is to say, the useful audit of the exercises remembered for the work plan.

• Examination of flimsy spots and making of determinations and proposals.

•             Elaboration of the report.


In light of the way that the review should confirm consistence with the Regulation, the Work Plan should explicitly incorporate the confirmation of the relative multitude of articles of the Regulation that are appropriate as per the sort of records accessible to the organization (medium, high) .

The following is a conventional work program, which can be utilized to do the security review in any organization that has the previously mentioned kinds of records.

The goal of investigating the Security Document, which each organization with individual information records should have, is twofold. From one perspective, the reviewer should dissect that its substance meets the necessities laid out in the Regulation for it. Furthermore, it permits the reviewer to distinguish the security methodology and controls characterized in the office, to in this manner confirm their consistence.

1.1. Check that the security archive incorporates:

• Security measures, controls, methods, rules and norms.

• Rundown of capacities and commitments of the staff.

• Construction of the documents with individual information and depiction of the data frameworks that interaction them.

• Episode notice and the executives methodology.

• Information reinforcement and recuperation systems.

• Rundown of faculty approved to give, modify or drop admittance to information and assets.


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